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Getting charged with a state criminal offense like fraud or DUI can be concerning and you are probably trying to figure out what to do. You may be wondering who will listen to your side of the story, what your rights are, what affect this may have on your personal life, and where you can turn for help.
As soon as you can, you should speak with a lawyer. Having a Idaho criminal lawyer on your side can help eliminate costly mistakes and lessen the chances of harsh consequences. Remember, it is totally within your rights to speak with a criminal lawyer before you speak with authorities. The sooner you can meet with a Idaho criminal attorney, the better off you will be. Keep in mind that not everyone who is charged with a state offense will be found guilty. Having a qualified and professional criminal lawyer can protect you and your family by explaining the options you have, including your rights. Many attorneys will even offer free advice at the start so you can more easily plan your next steps.
Do you Need a Professional Criminal Lawyer for State Charges?
Our professional, veteran criminal lawyers have experience in a wide variety of cases ranging from drugs to fraud to domestic violence. We have highly-qualified lawyers on our team that focus in areas criminal defense such as aggravated assault, theft, kidnapping, probation violations, manslaughter and many more.
There is really no time to waste. It doesn’t matter if you have already been charged or even if you have done something that you are expecting charges for, the longer you put off getting an attorney on your side the fewer options you will have. Our Idaho attorneys understand the way state laws work and can give you excellent advice during your consultation.
We Can Help You with DUI Charges
One of the most common charges that are placed against someone is a DUI charge. The consequences of such a charge can really run the gamut and can include anything from a night in jail and a forced alcohol education class to a heavy fine and loss of your driver’s license. Our attorneys have the knowledge of state laws that is needed to fight for you in a DUI case. We can help you do things like figure out whether or not you qualify as a first offender, explain any fines and other penalties you may face, discuss how this charge could affect other parts of your life like your job or insurance standing, and explain how you can plan a great defense along with expert assistance from our attorneys.
We Focus on Particular Areas of the Law
One thing that we can offer to our clients is our intense concentration in certain areas of the law. Our Idahocriminal defense lawyers focus on specific areas which allow them to build a very strong knowledge base and extensive experience in particular case types. Our attorneys have the knowhow that is needed when it comes to Idaho laws regarding your personal criminal case, and they will determine a good strategy for your defense based on this knowledge. We will be able to partner you with the top criminal defense lawyer to meet your needs.
Wondering What to Expect from Your Lawyer?
You will be able to get a free initial consultation with your criminal lawyer during which you will meet with him or her to talk about your case. Your lawyer will share their knowledge with you about the charges at hand and talk about your defense options. It is important that during this consultation and at all subsequent meetings with your lawyer that you are honest. Your lawyer will keep all information given to them confidential and their duty is to represent your best interests. You should take the advice of your lawyer and understand that you may need to be patient during this process in order to optimize your defense.
We Have the Reputation You Need
In cases like this, reputation will definitely count. Our criminal lawyers are members of various professional associations like the National Associate of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Their professional histories are easy to track and you will be able to view their successes just by doing a small amount of research. Our lawyers have been painstakingly vetted in order to provide high quality service for our clients.
We are Lawyers That You Can Trust
When choosing a lawyer you should find one who will competently and earnestly fight for your best interests. He or she will build trust with you, only engage in ethical practices and always show confidence in your case. Our Idaho attorneys will present you with several methods to handle your case.
Avoid more problems by finding a Idaho attorney as soon as you can. Their expert assistance will not only protect your rights but give you increased peace of mind as well. Call us today.
Are You Being Charged with Committing a Crime in Idaho?
Idaho recognizes two broad categories of crime – misdemeanor and felony. These categories differentiate crimes by severity, not the type of crime committed. Although misdemeanors are less serious crimes, those who are convicted can still be punished by a maximum of one year in county jail, so this potential loss of your freedom should not be taken lightly. Felonies are more serious, and they carry more substantial penalties. Recognizing the differences as Idaho views them is essential when building a defense to criminal charges.
However, Title 18 of the Idaho Statutes (I.C.) doesn’t have a consolidated statute on how misdemeanors and felonies can be punished. Instead, each criminal offense in Idaho has a statute stating the elements and definition of the crime and a separate statute that states the maximum punishment if convicted.
Due to the procedural requirements, sentencing structure, and other the stress involved, the criminal process can be incredibly overwhelming. Building a successful defense makes it necessary to understand the specific charges against you and the severity of the alleged crime. Added to that are a myriad of court procedures that have everything to do with criminal law in general, but very little to do with a specific crime. Without prior experience navigating this process, an individual will have a difficult time developing a strong defense.
Hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Idaho affects far more than just having someone stand next to you in court. When it comes to pre-trial motions, negotiations with the prosecutor, filing court documents, and building a robust defense before trial – hiring the right Idaho criminal defense attorney is a huge asset.
Locate the best criminal lawyers in Idaho here.
Five Common Crimes Charged in Idaho
The best way to learn about the charges that have been lodged against you is to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Idaho. These attorneys understand the law, keep abreast of the latest changes in the statutes, and can provide you with specific information about your case.
Here, Criminal Lawyer will provide some basic information on several of the most commonly charged crimes in Idaho. You can use this information to help you prepare for your initial consultation with a lawyer or understand the severity of any charges against you.
Under I.C. § 18-2403, theft is the taking, obtaining, or withholding property from its rightful owner. To be convicted of a theft, a person must take, obtain, or withhold another person’s property with the intent to deprive the owner of the property. Idaho Statutes divide thefts into two classifications – grand theft and petit theft, with grand theft being the more serious crime.
The Idaho Statutes at I.C. § 18-2407 list the specific, aggravating situations and circumstances that qualify as grand theft. One situation is theft by extortion, either through threats of harm to the individual or to harm the property. Other factors that constitute grand theft include the taking of:
Grand theft is a felony. Conviction of grand theft can require the convicted person to pay a fine of $5,000 and serve a maximum prison sentence of 14 years. If grand theft is committed by extortion, the state prison sentence goes up to a maximum of 20 years.
Petit theft, or petty theft, is theft of any property or under any circumstances that do not fall into the foregoing categories. Petty theft is punishable by up to one year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.
Find the best theft lawyers in Idaho here.
Possession of a Controlled Substance
Various drug- and narcotics-related offenses are addressed in a specific law passed by the Idaho legislature. The Uniform Controlled Substances Act, found at I.C. Chapter 27, is a set of statutes that make it unlawful to manufacture, deliver, or possess with the intent to manufacture or deliver any controlled substance. Also, it is illegal to remain on any premises where a person knows illegal controlled substances are kept or sold. These statutes are separate from the criminal code.
While not part of Title 18 on criminal offenses, these actions still have criminal repercussions. Drug and narcotic offenses account for 94.7% of the crimes against society in Idaho and, somewhere in the state, a person commits a drug or narcotic offense every 47 minutes.
The most common drug offense committed in Idaho is possession of an illegal controlled substance. Drugs – such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine – are considered controlled substances, but so are certain materials and products used to manufacture these drugs. Prescription painkillers and similar opioids are also considered controlled substances if they are possessed without a valid prescription.
Idaho categorizes every controlled substance in I.C. § 37-2705 through § 37-2713A as falling in one of six distinct Schedules. Possession of Schedule I or II drugs carry more serious penalties than those imposed for possession of the less abused drugs that fall into Schedules V and VI. For example, it is a felony to possess Schedule I and II drugs such as LSD or marijuana. These Schedule I and II drugs will earn the most severe penalty for a convicted person, with a maximum prison sentence of seven years. As a misdemeanor, possession of other controlled substances is punishable by a one-year jail sentence and/or a $1,000 fine.
Find the best drug offense lawyers in Idaho here.
Simple Assault
Simple assault is considered a crime against the person. As found in I.C. § 18-901, this offense is classified differently from violent crimes and, as such, has a different structure and is governed by a different statute from the more serious offense, aggravated assault. Aggravated assault defined in I.C. § 18-905, is considered both violent crime and a felony.
Simple assault is defined as the attempt to cause physical harm or injury to another individual. No actual physical contact is required for charges to be brought and conviction for simple assault to occur. When physical contact does occur, it is referred to as simple battery or, if it is more serious, aggravated battery. Simple assault can also be charged as a result of simple threats, provided such threats cause an individual to feel reasonably afraid of impending violence. This means it would be possible for the threat of physical harm to come true in the immediate future.
Simple assault is a misdemeanor for which an individual faces a sentence of three months in county jail and a maximum fine of $1,000. The court can also require a convicted person to serve three months of probation and make restitution to the victim. The penalties for aggravated assault in Idaho are much more serious, but the crime occurs far less frequently.
Find the best simple assault lawyers in Idaho here.
Murder is a capital crime in the State of Idaho and, although it is possible that a person convicted of murder and a few other crimes could be sentenced to capital punishment, only three people have ever been executed. Even so, murder is the most serious crime in the Idaho Statutes, and a person found guilty of first-degree murder must be punished by either capital punishment or life in prison. If convicted of second-degree murder, the individual must serve a minimum of 10 years in state prison and may be given a maximum sentence of life, as provided in I.C. § 18-4004.
In Idaho law, I.C § 18-4001 defines murder as the unlawful killing of another individual with malice aforethought or intentional torture. As indicated above, murder is classified as either first or second degree, depending on certain specific circumstances surrounding the intentional killing. Broadly speaking, a conviction for first-degree murder requires that certain circumstances be present, and second-degree murder serves as a catch-all for cases in which those circumstances are absent.
According to I.C. § 18-4003, murder qualifies as a first-degree crime if it is:
Carried out by a person lying in wait, giving the victim poison, or using torture
A willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing
Carried out against a peace officer, executive officer, an officer of the court, fireman, judicial officer or prosecuting attorney when he or she is lawfully carrying out his or her duties
Committed while the accused killer is under a sentence of murder in the first or second degree, including a killing committed by a person who is on probation or parole
A perpetration of, or an attempt to perpetrate aggravated battery on a child under twelve (12) years of age, arson, rape, robbery, burglary, kidnapping or mayhem, or an act of terrorism
Committed by a person incarcerated in prison upon a victim who is another inmate, an employee of the penal institution, or a visitor to the prison
Done by a person in the process of escaping or attempting to escape from a penal institution
All other instances of murder fall into the category of second-degree murder, which is a slightly less serious charge.
Find the best murder lawyers in Idaho here.
Malicious Injury to Property
While unlawfully trespassing on another person’s property to commit a theft or felony it is burglary, when the intent of trespass is to damage the real property it is considered a separate crime. In Idaho, this crime is called malicious injury to property. Such damage is still considered a crime, even if the property destroyed is jointly owned or co-owned by a married couple. Certain specific types of property damage, such as destruction of crops and, in certain instances, damage to structures by such acts as graffiti, are specifically referenced in the Idaho Statutes as misdemeanor crimes.
As with many other property crimes, malicious injury to property can be either a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the value of property destroyed. If the property is valued at or under $1,000, then the crime is a misdemeanor, with a possible penalty of one year in county jail and up to $1,000 in fines. Injury or destruction of joint and marital property is also a misdemeanor. If the property’s value is greater than $1,000, the charge is felony malicious injury to property, and the penalty can be up to five years in state prison.
Find the best Idaho malicious injury to property lawyers here.
Other Crimes
Most criminal defense lawyers in Idaho are prepared to defend a variety of crimes in Idaho. Our experience is not limited to the most common crimes in Idaho, it extends to the defense of federal crimes and appellate level defense. Whether you are seeking Idaho law firms for defense against such serious charges as murder or a less severe misdemeanor such as petty theft, we can help.
Importance of Hiring Experienced Idaho Criminal Lawyers
To prepare a strong defense against criminal charges in Idaho, it is essential for the accused person to understand the law. Every crime that may be committed in the state is defined and described in the Idaho Statutes. However, as written by the state legislature, these laws can be complex and confusing. This is where your Idaho criminal lawyers step in.
A criminal defense attorney should be committed to keeping clients informed and up to date on both the law and the specifics of their cases. It is important that you are not left out in the dark when it comes to your own case and that you clearly understand what the charges mean. If you do have questions, our Idaho attorneys will provide a client-focused approach that you can trust.
If you don’t know where to turn for the defense of criminal charges in Idaho, turn to us.
[Disclaimer - this is not legal advice.]
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